Load up, turn on the engine and off you go. The ultimate freedom! With a mobile home or campervan - the smaller sister - you travel flexibly and comfortably at the same time. The best of both worlds, is that possible? Definitely. If you prepare yourself with these tips.
On a motorhome trip: why should you?
Travelling with an RV, mobile home or campervan is camping pure and simple. You get as close to nature as in a tent, but surrounded by more comfort. On this trip, no list of 30 must-sees, but the road as your goal, the mobile home as the centre of your world.
Because your holiday accommodation is on wheels, you are more flexible than ever. You are at the wheel of your holiday: no waiting at check-in counters, no plane or train to catch. You do have time to enjoy the view for longer or to cook wherever you want.
In short: a mobile home trip combines adventure with a pinch of luxury.
How expensive is travelling with a mobile home?
As with any other trip, that depends mainly on you. You can rent a simple campervan for less than 70 euros a day, your own luxury yacht on wheels will cost you up to a million.
On top of the rental or purchase price of the motorhome itself, fuel costs on a road trip can be hefty. In addition, you usually pay for a campsite or motorhome site: the more facilities, the more expensive. When you take toll roads, these also nibble away at your budget by a hundred per hour.
Preparing your mobile home trip
The better prepared you leave, the more you can let the wind guide you along the way.
Tip 1: the route
The flexibility of an RV trip is great, but a little planning takes your trip to the next level. You don't want to hear afterwards that you missed the panorama or the valuable historical site because you did a little too much of go with the flow. Or vice versa: suddenly ending up with your five-tonne vehicle in a city centre or on an extremely narrow path.
Don't plan too ambitiously. A mobile home is not a mile-eater, but made to enjoy the view on quiet roads. If you navigate by mobile phone, download the maps of the region onto your device. That way you won't lose north should you lose the mobile network.
Tip 2: the pitches
It's easy to find a campsite or motorhome site that suits you on apps like Campercontact and Park4Night. You will see where you can connect your mobile home to the electricity grid, where you can fill up with clean water and discharge waste water... Do you want to camp in the middle of nowhere or do you like to have life - and a swimming pool - in the brewery? The app will show you the way.
And booking in advance, is that necessary? In busy periods and in tourist regions, a reservation gives you security. In places where that is not possible, the adage 'come early, leave late' applies: whoever arrives first has the best spot, and therefore often stays the longest.
Tip 3: The driver
You can drive most motorhomes with a B driving licence. Apart from that, the most important rule is: be aware of the dimensions of your vehicle. It is wider, longer and higher than a car. Once you get used to that, you will steer your moving vessel through traffic as smoothly as your regular car.
Keep watching your speed, though. An average mobile home easily weighs 4 tonnes, it is harder to control such a monster than a car.
Tip 4: the travel company
You live on each other's lips during the trip, and a lot has to be done: planning the route, shopping, cooking, putting everything away before you drive ... Make a list and agree in advance who is responsible for what or what turn you will take. Even children can be entrusted with small chores. If everyone helps, you can quickly move on to the next adventure.
Tip 5: the gear
Of course, this is very personal, but when asked "what should definitely be taken on a motorhome trip?" these answers often come back:
a bicycle, very handy for a quick errand.
an extension cord comes in handy when you don't have an electricity connection at your own camper spot, but do further down the road.
a hammock, just as relaxing as a lounger, but much more compact to carry!
an 'emergency ration' of food and drink, in case your schedule goes haywire: instant soup, crackers, a packet of pasta, a tin of white beans in tomato sauce ...
Tip 6: Insurance
If you rent a mobile home, find out exactly how it is insured and what you should do in case of an accident. Be sure to check whether the insurance covers your country of destination; by default, most policies only apply within the European Union.
You take out car insurance for your own mobile home. As with a passenger car, civil liability insurance (BA Vehicles) is compulsory. Legal assistance insurance is optional, as is KBC-VAB Assistance, which comes to your aid in case of breakdown. And do you already have travel assistance insurance?
Tip 7: the experts by experience
Seasoned mobile home travellers are usually very fond of sharing their experiences. Do you have a neighbour or distant cousin who heads out on four wheels at the slightest ray of sunshine? Then be sure to fire your questions at that person. Extra fun is guaranteed!
Have we totally awakened your travel bug? Then be sure to read our general tips to prepare your trip. And of course we are here to advise you on the insurance part of your trip.
The insurances from this article
These products are named in this article. Any questions? We will be happy to advise you.
Travel insurance covers damage while traveling: has your luggage been stolen or do you require hospital admission? Don't worry about the financial consequences.
Whether you opt for a compulsory third-party liability insurance or a fully comprehensive insurance with all the trimmings, or something in between? The choice is yours.
Third party liability
Sometimes things can go wrong in the conduct of your business and result in loss or damage. The policy will compensate the party suffering loss on your behalf. Third-party liability insurance for your business therefore protects your company