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When you own a car (or other motorized vehicle), you are required to have auto insurance (civil liability auto or BA auto). This insures damage you cause to others with your car, but not yet damage to your own car.

This is why an omnium is such an interesting addition:

  • a partial omnium (or small omnium, or mini-omnium) covers a defined number of claims, such as broken car windows, damage from burglary, fire or natural disasters (e.g., hail) and from animals (gnawing martens, a collision with wildlife).

  • a full comprehensive (or full omnium) is an all-risk insurance policy: it covers all possible damages, except for some explicitly stated damages (e.g., damages you cause because you have been drinking).

In addition to comprehensive (full or partial), we recommend driver's insurance. This covers the medical expenses of the driver of yours when injured in a car accident.


This page is part of a lexicon and does not provide product information or contractual details on insurance services. For specific information, please refer to the official documentation or contact your insurance agent.