This is a DEMO website to illustrate the functions of KBC-Agent - Do you have any questions about it? - Read more...

Are you a director or a manager of a company or non-profit organisation? Then you need to be aware of your liability.

Imagine one platform where you as an entrepreneur can ask all your questions. Sounds good, doesn't it? That's why KBC developed the online platform Vindr. Here you can ask questions about entrepreneurship, but you can also show your expertise by answering questions.

Protect your future as a self-employed with a supplementary pension. It’s a supplement to your small pension. Discover the KBC Keyman Benefit Plan

How to recognise phishing emails? How to report them? Your KBC insurance agent gives you specific tips to recognise these messages and how to report them.

Help, my child is moving into student housing! In case of theft or damage, you are often insured without knowing it. What do you have to take into account?

Our new website!

Our new website!

28 August 2019

We are proud to present our new website to you. As a KBC insurance agent, we have always been one step ahead and that is now also the case on the web!