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Undeniably, they make your life easier, all those smart devices and innovative software. But do not be blinded by their ease of use, because unfortunately they are also rather vulnerable targets for cybercriminals. Here is a hint of the risks.

Do you take your children to school on foot, do you let them cycle or do you think the car is the safest option in today's traffic? Attention to road safety is necessary for every mode of transport. Here are a few tips!

Travel organisations have their hands full again, booking websites are booming and tour operators are running at full speed. And you, have you prepared your trip yet? Maybe it's been a while since you've been on holiday, so we've listed some crucial tips for you.

Doing business inevitably involves risk. As a self-employed person, you are aware of this and so you make sure that you are properly insured. But which insurances do you really need or are even compulsory? And which are not compulsory, but are still strongly recommended? An overview!

Too much rain in a short time, or just long periods of drought. Both symptoms of climate change can cause serious damage to your property. Fortunately, your fire insurance protects you against this! Usually, however ...

Cybercriminals are becoming increasingly creative and cunning. Your company - no matter how small - can also fall victim to malicious online practices. But we also have good news: by informing yourself and your employees, you can make your company a lot less vulnerable. A few tips!