What is KBC Mobile or KBC Touch?
It can happen any time: a motor accident or damage to your car or house, you could be broken into and burgled or need urgent help from our assistance hotline.
There's no predicting it, and it'd be nice to offload some of that stress. Sometimes you're unsure who to contact and how.
KBC Mobile or KBC Touch app lets you easily
- Make an accident, damage or hospitalisation claim
KBC takes care of all the back-office administrative hassle for you - Get in direct contact with your insurance agent, KBC Assist or VAB (if you have a breakdown)
How do you make insurance claims using KBC Mobile or KBC Touch?
Log in and (after opening the ‘More’ menu in our Mobile app) select whether your claim relates to your Home, Family or Vehicle. Then select the insurance under which you want to claim.
Alternatively, go to More > Communication > Insurance claims in our Mobile app, or to Contact in Touch.
Still using our KBC Assist app? We’re discontinuing it soon, but you can still file insurance claims with us online using our Mobile and Touch apps.
What kinds of insurance claims can be made online?
KBC Mobile and KBC Touch let you file insurance claims online for:
- Hospital admissions
- Personal loss or damage and accidents
- Damage to your home by fire, flooding or natural disaster
- Damage to your car, moped, bicycle or other vehicle (including the ability to track the status of your claims)
How do online claims work?
Hospitalisation insurance and comprehensive motor insurance claims are processed right away and our apps let you track them.
With other types of claims, the details are first sent to your KBC Insurance contact (or VAB, if your vehicle breaks down) when you submit your claim. They’ll then start processing it immediately and you’ll be updated on your claim as soon as possible.