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There is no such thing as the life insurance policy. This term collects all insurances with which you assure yourself of an income in your old age, or help your dependents ahead when you die. In the latter case, we also speak of death insurance.

Life insurance always runs over a long period of time: it ends on the day you die, or on a prearranged date (for example, your retirement date). At that time, you or your beneficiary or beneficiaries will receive a substantial sum of money from the insurer. So you save your family money worries when you come to pass, or give yourself extra financial clout in the winter of your life.

So such insurance is an interesting way to do retirement - and inheritance planning. Moreover, you can contribute the premiums of branch 21 savings insurance and branch 23 investment insurance to the tax authorities. We are happy to look at what is the best course of action for you.


This page is part of a lexicon and does not provide product information or contractual details on insurance services. For specific information, please refer to the official documentation or contact your insurance agent.